Sergey Antonov
JoinedTopics Started by Sergey Antonov
A film about Jonah
by Sergey Antonov inwho has any thoughts about the new film about the prophet jonah?
how could they divide the entire period into days, if the bible does not say so?
the king ordered them to fast 20 days before the destruction ???!
Questions for the Teaching of "Jehovah's Witnesses"
by Sergey Antonov init would be interesting to know what prompted you to leave the organization?
what questions did the elders fail to answer?
(maybe there is already a similar discussion, i apologize in advance)..
Why go back to the Old Testament?
by Lost in the fog inwhy do jws insist on still quoting from the old testament to back up some of their wacky ideas?
such as on blood, beards, abortion, tattoos, etc.
surely if the mosaic law code was nailed to the torture stake all of its parts were cancelled.
Matthew 7:13-14 and Revelation 7:9.
by Sergey Antonov inin matthew 7:13-14 says :“enter through the narrow gate, because wide is the gate and spacious the road that leads to destruction, and many go through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and strait is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it.
and revelation 7: 9 says of the great multitude, " after this i saw, and look.
of all the nations and tribes, and nations, and languages, standing before the throne and the lamb, dressed in white clothes, there was a great crowd that no man could count; and in their hands was the palm branches.".
Questions about the teaching of Jehovah's Witnesses.
by Sergey Antonov init would be interesting to hear stories about how disappointed you are with jehovah's witnesses ' religion.
if someone has a list of questions to jehovah's witnesses teaching, i will be happy to read it here or send it by message.
it is also interesting how you communicated with the elders and how they reacted :).
On the reliability of the Watchtower
by Sergey Antonov inhello!
could you give a link to the articles of the watchtower society, where they claim that information from the faithful and prudent slave comes from god and jesus christ.
and also, that magazines publish not people's thoughts, but god?.
"A faithful and discreet slave"
by Sergey Antonov inthat is, the "faithful and prudent slave" admitted that he is not a channel between god and people, but a group of ordinary people who have themselves appointed themselves and interpret the bible by themselves ??
?so why did they then decide that in 1919 they were chosen by jesus christ.after all, jesus clearly said how to distinguish a false prophet (deuteronomy 18: 20-22).. who will help to find quotes from the watchtower, that the words "faithful and discreet slave" come not from him, but from god.and that everything he writes in publications is true and true.?.
A letter to the main administration.
by Sergey Antonov ini want to send a letter to the main office with the questions.
for example, ask a question about the rolex watch from hert.
about unfulfilled prophecies and so on.
United Nations
by Sergey Antonov inhello, recently, i talked with the witness of the united states.
"jehovah's witnesses" in the united nations.
as far as i understand, the organization had to fully accept the un charter and cooperate with the un.the jehovah's witness replied to me that there is no contradiction in this.he said that witnesses are allowed to apply, for example, to courts or other organizations for help.when i told him that the organization is participating in the osce, he is said to be normal too.he said that they are not affected.